A centre for integration and social cohesion
LISKO (Lëtzebuerger Integratiouns- a Sozialkohäsiounszenter, Luxembourg Centre for Integration and Social Cohesion) mainly helps beneficiaries of international protection to integrate into Luxembourg society. Integration is achieved through empowering the concerned individuals, ensuring their access to social rights, as well as supporting them in finding their way in their new community and creating a social network. LISKO also intervenes when a coordination of actions and follow-up are necessary. Particular attention is paid to vulnerable people
LISKO was established in 2016 following the substantial surge of incomming refugees. As soon as they arrive in Luxembourg, applicants for international protection (IPR) are taken care of by the Office National de l’Accueil (ONA), whose mission stops when an IPR is granted refugee status and becomes a beneficiary of international protection (BIP). From then on, the ONA directs the BIPs mainly to LISKO, and support can continue if the person wishes.
The work of the LISKO teams responds to the multiple needs of beneficiaries and professionals:
LISKO welcomes beneficiaries of 49 different nationalities as well as a few stateless people. As the number of cases from Eritrea has been strongly increasing, this nation is now the most represented in the service. However, Arab countries still account for the majority of follow-ups with nearly 52.3%. The recent resettlement from Niger has also increased the amount of persons coming from Sudan and Somalia.
People who wish to be supported by the LISKO service can submit a request for two half-days of reception and must show that they are willing to participate in social action.
Days and times of reception:
– Wednesday mornings from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.
– Thursday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
13, rue de Bragance
L-1255 Luxembourg