10 December 2012
The “CarréRotondes” will again become a play arena! The Youth Homes of the Red Cross invite you saturday the 15th decembre 2012 at 2 pm to the CarréRotondes. Throw yourself into the world of games and enjoy the multiple recreational and fun activities! Let your hair down and come and join us: from board games to giant woodblock games… be there! You will have a blast!
Age : 10 – 99
Infos : +352 33 55 30 / jean-claude.pellin@croix-rouge.lu
Coproduction : Maisons des Jeunes de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise, TRAFFO_CarréRotondes | Avec le soutien du CAPEL (Centre d’Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, Ville de Luxembourg) et de la Spillfabrik (spillfabrik.lu)