The Ambulance Service of the Luxembourg Red Cross provides assisted ambulance transport both in Luxembourg and abroad, as well as being on duty during sporting or cultural events. Both for hospitals and private individuals, the service offers specialised means of transport thanks to competent teams made up of professionals and volunteers who have undergone training recognised by the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours, CGDIS). The Luxembourg Red Cross is approved as an emergency service organisation by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministère de l’Intérieur).
Red Cross ambulances provide the following services:
The Ambulance Service is particularly specialised in transport requiring specific equipment and training (intensive care, neonatal care, intensive paediatric transport or patients with cardiac catheters (from/to the National Institute of Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology – Institut National de Chirurgie Cardiaque et de Cardiologie Interventionnelle, INCCI).
The Ambulance Service has two types of vehicles for passengers in a sitting position, one of which is suitable for people with reduced mobility, and two types of vehicles for patients lying down, one of which is for intensive care.
The medical ambulances are equipped with a Lifepak15 monitor/defibrillator, an Oxylog3000 plus ventilator, syringe pumps and medication.
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1, rue de l’Abattoir
L-1111 Luxembourg
1, rue de l’Abattoir
L-1111 Luxembourg